Monday, 18 March 2013

Harvest Moon: Back To Nature (PSX) 60%
Max money (note1)
80076338 967F
8007633A 0098

Max lumber
80075614 03E7

Max fodder
80075616 03E7

Max fish food
8007561A 03E7

Max chicken feed
8007561C 03E7

Max power fruit (note2)
80075B98 000A

Max rucksack storage (note3)
800762FA 0002

Max level sickle
8007631C FFFF

Max level hoe
8007631E FFFF

Max level ax
80076320 FFFF

Max level hammer
80076322 FFFF

Max level watering can
80076324 FFFF

Max earnings
80075AD8 967F
80075ADA 0098

No expenses (note1)
80075ADC 0000

Max stamina
800762EE 003C

Tomorrows weather (note4)
8007F5DE 000?

Weather control (note5)
700633C4 F7FF
8007F5DE 0000
700633C4 FFDF
8007F5DE 0001

Infinite medals
8007633C FFFF

Max medals
8007633C 967F
8007633E 0098

Over stamina frozen at 0
800762F2 0000

Haven't littered at all
3007634C 0000

No dead animals
8012BB0E 0000

10 hearts dog
3007A2D6 00FF

Dog's intelligence (note6)
3007A36C 00??

10 hearts horse
3007A3C6 00FF

Horse's stamina (note6)
3007A45C 00??

All items shipped
80075AA0 03E7
80075AA2 03E7
80075AA4 03E7
80075AA6 03E7
80075AA8 03E7
80075AAA 03E7
80075AAC 03E7
80075AAE 03E7
80075AB0 03E7
80075AB2 03E7
80075AB4 03E7
80075AB6 03E7
80075AB8 03E7
80075ABA 03E7
80075ABC 03E7
80075ABE 03E7
80075AC0 03E7
80075AC2 03E7
80075AC4 03E7
80075AC6 03E7
80075AC8 03E7

4b. Affection codes

a. Girls

Popuri has red heart
8007CF90 FFFF

Elli has red heart
8007BB74 FFFF

Karen has red heart
8007B07C FFFF

Ann has red heart

Mary has red heart
8007C498 FFFF

Get a baby girl 59%
Give your wife 5 or more flowers and keep giving 5 flowers everyday
till the date of birth then that's all.

Item amount 99 in ruksack 58%
Amount 99 : 80071ACA 0099

amount xoo: 80071ACA 0066

D:\Harvest Moon-Back To Nature\HM Back to Nature 58%

Get many ball 57%
Bring your ball and dog go to your room stay there trow your ball and take it (in same time when your dog take the ball) it will be easy if you trow to the wall and the ball fall in front of you.

No more ball 55%
Walk to the side of the dog house with the ball in hand and trow it onto the roof of the dog house then go into your house and when you walk back out the ball will be gone but a few days later the guy in yellow will come to offer a new ball to you.

WinterTime 55%
80070CF2 0003

Da 53%

Springtime 51%
80070CF2 0000

Snow flower 51%
If you in winter season,go to peak mountain after 1~30 will get it.

SummerTime 45%
80070CF2 0001
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